
My research area is textual criticism (critique), with an open thematic and philological approach, not influenced by schools and currents. Women writing is my main interest: I have always loved it and studied it from original (or almost) perspectives. Anything that has not yet been told inspires me; and this is my focus: an analysis ‘with a new side’ (with a different point of view), to generate critics novelties.


From 2011, I have studied the person and the work of Goliarda Sapienza. In 2016, I published the monography Goliarda Sapienza: una voce intertestuale (1996-2016) by La Vita Felice press, Milan. This essay won the first prize for the essay section of the ‘International Prize Città di Como’ 2017 (in the panel, Dacia Maraini).
I published my monograph «Nel mio baule mentale»: per una ricerca sugli inediti di Goliarda Sapienza by Aracne editore (November 2020).

Subjects and authors

My research focuses on themes, form and context, to study the ‘voice’ in writing: how does it present and unravel itself? why does it tell? and how, where does it come from and where is it going?
Currently, I am also interested in the writer and visual artist Milena Milani, the performance poet Silvia Salvagnini and other contemporary personalities, such as Adele Cambria, Clara Sereni, Lucia Drudi Demby and Simona Weller. I had the opportunity to present my research in Italy and abroad (Spain, United States).
I dedicate part of my work also to the study of Gabriele d’Annunzio and Giovanni Comisso.
Ca’ Foscari webpage


As for critique, I merge different territories, with a preference for Italian Contemporary Poetry. Over time, I have reviewed published volumes, I written comments to collections (also unpublished) and sifted through unpublished texts; I have worked on selection of poetry voices, prose and contemporary essay writing for some columns (sections) of Poetarum Silva and not only.